Thursday, May 2, 2013

Jackets In College: Marcus Blessing Post Meet Quotes, May 2, 2013

"It's funny looking back... only 2 years ago did I start pole vaulting. Never in a million years did anyone think I would make it onto a college team. Then I made it onto a D1 college team. On top of that, no one thought I was capable of jumping anything higher than 14ft, maybe 15."
"Then I went and jumped 15'1" at conference. Then there was that big nasty 16ft barrier... no one thought I would ever come close to jumping that. I honestly have to say I had some doubts myself. Funny thing about doubts... they're a waste of time. Happy to say that I broke the 16 ft barrier today with a 4.90 meter leap. Conference is right around the corner. Time to nut up or shut up. Feeling determined.
Marcus Blessing 
Pole Vaulter
University of North Florida
May 2, 2013

Jackets In College: Blessing clears 4.90m, 16'1", April 2, 2013