funny looking back... only 2 years ago did I start pole vaulting. Never
in a million years did anyone think I would make it onto a college
team. Then I made it onto a D1 college team. On top of that, no one
thought I was capable of jumping anything higher than 14ft, maybe 15."
"Then I went and jumped 15'1" at conference. Then there was that big
nasty 16ft barrier... no one thought I would ever come close to jumping
that. I honestly have to say I had some doubts myself. Funny thing about
doubts... they're a waste of time. Happy to say that I broke the 16 ft
barrier today with a 4.90 meter leap. Conference is right around the
corner. Time to nut up or shut up. Feeling determined.
Marcus Blessing
Pole Vaulter
University of North Florida
May 2, 2013